Well hello there! Welcome to The Wholeness Shift. 

My name is Veronica and I help people navigate their spiritual awakenings.

I have a YouTube channel where I teach about easy, practical spirituality and intentional living.

I also offer one-one-one coaching/mentorship as well as Club Shift which is my brandnew membership site.

Come on in and look around!  I can’t wait to spend time with you.  

I’ve been a blogger since 2005 but if I’m being honest about it, I went about it rather aimlessly for years. I have lived so much life and have learned so much!  Around 2012 I began going through a spiritual awakening that really kicked off in 2015.  

I never had any kind of a teacher or mentor and it was so lonely! It was hard to navigate that path on my own and I felt called to share all of that wisdom and experience I’ve gathered so I started a YouTube channel.

I am a mom to four grown children.  I’m a grandmother, a nurse, and a constant student of life. I love joy, kindness, open-minded people, and all things spirituality.  

I am clairsentient and an empath.  I also have all the other “clairs”, but they aren’t quite as developed as my clairsentience.  But, things continue to evolve all the time.  I believe I’m being prepped to start channeling soon too.

I want to provide easy ways for you to change your perspectives and habits so you can become more productive and peaceful.  I want to give practical life and personal growth advice as well as teaching on all of the spiritual ins and outs that I have learned (and am still learning).  I want you to bring out the best in yourself and your daily life through intentional, mindful living so that you can live your best life.

So…what is The Wholeness Shift?

Wholeness is defined as:

  1. a thing complete in itself, or comprising all its parts or elements

  2. undivided; in one piece.

  3. containing all the elements properly belonging.

Here’s the thing…We are already whole.  We just have a tendency to forget that.  We live in ways that throw us out of balance and we are full of self-talk that makes us forget that we are already complete and worthy.  By expanding your mind and opening your heart to intentional living, you will find your way back to a mindset of wholeness. 

As we move through life, there usually comes a point where we have a strong desire to finally get our crap together.  At least that’s how it went for me.  I wanted to get organized, become more productive, get my finances in order, and figure out what my purpose is here on this earth.  And I wanted to just be peaceful.  Not so stressed out.  I went through a major spiritual awakening and did the work to get the rest of my life in order as well. 

And that is what I want for you.

For those of you on a spiritual path, I will share all that I have learned to help you deepen your spiritual understanding.  In addition, I want to provide easy, practical advice for those of you who are ready for a change and have a desire to live a deeper, more authentic life.  I want to spark a shift in your perspective that brings you back to a balanced, centered, joy-filled life.  The life of your dreams.  A life of wholeness.