Akashic Records Reading with Kati Katrama
Several of you have requested information on the Akashic Records and on Akashic Records readings. So, today I am sharing my interview with Kati Katrama who did my reading recently.
Several of you have requested information on the Akashic Records and on Akashic Records readings. So, today I am sharing my interview with Kati Katrama who did my reading recently.
Here I discuss the concept of soul imprinting as discussed in the works of Dolores Cannon.
Every month the new moon gives us wonderful energy to help boost our intentions and manifestations! Let me share some of the little rituals I do that can help you tap into that energy.
Lets discuss how using radical acceptance can improve your life.
Have you ever wondered what the best way to pray for someone is? Let's talk about it.
This is another installment in my dream series. Today I share five dreams I have had about future lifetimes.
When you are communicating with spirit, how do you know you're really not just hearing your own voice? Let me explain how to tell the difference between spirit and ego.
Ever wondered how to do shadow work? Today I tell you how!
In this episode I share examples of some past-life dreams I have had.
Today I talk about your soul's harmonic resonance...the personal song of your soul.
Today my daughter Amelia and I are going over ten tips for new tarot users.
Why do most empaths come alive at night? Here I share why most empaths are night owls.
Many of you have had questions asking what spirit has to say about smoking weed. Here I share what Spomie had to say about it.
Dreams are one of the top ways our spirit guides communicate with us. Here I discuss eight different symbols you may find in your dreams and what they mean.
Is Your Pendulum Just Your Subconscious? Today I answer a viewer question about who or what is on the other end of your pendulum conversation.
Here I use Spomie's wagon-wheel analogy to teach on the basics of reincarnation.
Here I use Spomie's wagon-wheel analogy to teach on the basics of reincarnation.
Here I use Spomie's wagon-wheel analogy to teach on the basics of reincarnation.
Ever feel like the energy in your home is a little stagnant? Spend some time with me today while I give my home a refresh.
In this video I explain Intentional Living and and what that means. I give practical tips on how to incorporate this into your every day life.
Today we are answering 5 more viewer-submitted questions to my spirit guide Spomie! Come see what he has to say.
Today we are answering 5 more viewer-submitted questions to my spirit guide Spomie! Come see what he has to say.
Today we are answering 5 more viewer-submitted questions to my spirit guide Spomie! Come see what he has to say.
Even in a miserable year there are things we can learn and ways we can grow. Here I share 7 lessons learned in 2020 and 7 goals for 2021. I also share where the future of this channel is going.
Here I am talking about spontaneous kriyas. I also talk a bit about my kundalini awakening experience.
You guys love when I talk about my guide Spomie! Here I answer questions some of you have sent me to ask him. I also present you with an awesome offer from Keen! Don't miss out!
Let me share some tips I've picked up along the way that will help you as a new meditator.
This is another video in the pendulum series. Here I share five things your spirit guides will NEVER do. I get a lot of comments and messages from you guys saying you're experiencing these things and I think this will help you.
Here is another installment in my pendulum series! I know how many questions you guys have about using a pendulum. Here are some of the questions I've been getting most lately. Hope this helps!
Today I answer your question: "How long does a spiritual awakening take?"
Are we stuck to the timelines we choose? Or do we have free will to change our minds?
Is the goal to be "happy"? Watch to find out! This is part of the Lessons From Spirit series
This was in response to a viewer request for ten questions to ask your spirit guides. Some of them I came up with, some of them Spomie came up with. Hope this helps!
This is another installment in the "Lessons From Spirit" series in which I share little life lessons my guides have taught me over the years. Today I share the difference between being kind and being nice.