GYST body reset | The Wholeness Shift
GYST body reset | The Wholeness Shift

GYST: Get Your Shit Together Series: Body Reset

Welcome to part two of the GYST (Get Your Shit Together) series where we are doing a spring cleaning and a reset on all the major areas of our lives.  If you missed part one on self and spirit reset, I will link to it here.  Today, we are talking about resetting our bodies.

What is a body reset?  This is where we do a CTRL+ALT+DELETE on the bad habits, bad eating, and overall unhealthy behaviors we’ve fallen into when it comes to our health.  In addition to clearing out some negative behaviors, we will discuss some healthy, positive behaviors to incorporate. 

Take Inventory…

Until you call a thing a thing, there will be no changing it!  You have to take an honest look at your life and your behaviors in regards to your health maintenance, diet, exercise, and sex life.  Do you have good behaviors in place?  Where can you improve?  Here are five main areas to look at in regards to your body. 

1.  Health Maintenance…

As adult human beings, there are things that we must do to maintain these bodies that we have been blessed with.  And if you’re not doing at least the basics, you now have a starting place because you need some improvement.  Make appointments for your routine health maintenance.  Make all of your calls in one day and get those appointments scheduled.

Dental cleanings at least every six months.  I can’t say it enough…if you are young, please listen (because if you’re my age then I’m sure you already know I’m right) …TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH!  You’ll wish you had.    Schedule both of your cleanings for the year now and just get them on your calendar.

PAP smears and if you’re of a certain age, or if you have a family history of breast cancer, get your mammogram.  While you’re at it, get tested for STD’s.  If you are a sexually active adult human being, it is your responsibility to regularly get checked for STD’s. 

And I’m going to take it a step further and say this…even if you are in a long-term, committed relationship, please get checked for STD’s anyways.  You can say, “Oh MY partner would NEVER…” all you want, but I have been a nurse for nearly twenty years and I cannot tell you the tragic stories of people who contracted life-altering diseases and sometimes even died because their partner passed them something while they thought their partner would never cheat.  Just do it. 

Men, If you’re in your 40’s or older, talk to your doctor about screenings for colon and testicular.

Go to the eye doctor and get your eyes examined. 

Go for a yearly physical.  You should really go at least once a year for a once-over.  Get your blood pressure checked and let the doctor check you out.  If for nothing else, you need to go once per year so that your doctor will remain your doctor.  What I mean is that if you haven’t seen your doctor in over a year, you become inactive and your doctor really isn’t your doctor anymore.  Then if there is an issue, your doctor won’t really help with it.  I see it all the time. 

2.  Diet…

This one is pretty self-explanatory.  You know if you’ve been eating like complete shit or not.  Your body is the only body you are ever going to have in this life.

It’s like a sophisticated and beautiful machine and you must take care of it.  Drink more water, eat healthier foods, stop snacking as much and cut down on the carbs.  Drink a smoothie that is full of fruits, vegetables, and hydration instead of grabbing a donut or some fast-food. 

This next bit I really mean…listen closely…at the VERY least, please take a daily multivitamin.  I’m so serious, this will help your body a lot if you aren’t eating right.  Your body needs certain things to function.  They are essential.   And if you aren’t getting them through your diet, then at least throw a vitamin at it.

3.  Exercise…

I will own the fact that I am SO BAD at this one.  I’m doing this body reset right along with you all and this is an area that I really need to focus on, how about you?  I bought a new yoga mat a few months ago, and it still has the wrapper on it and is in the closet.  Moving our bodies is so important for not only our current health but also our future health. 

I’m sure you’ve heard the term, “Use it or lose it.”  Well, there is a lot of truth to that.  As you age, you will notice that you don’t rebound as quickly or easily.  And eventually, you may not rebound at all.  Also, by moving our bodies and getting that kinetic energy flowing, we help our chakras by allowing the energy to flow and not get stuck.

Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  At the Cleveland Clinic, they have signs by every elevator encouraging your to use the “free exercise equipment” (the stairs) instead of the lift.  Get a minimum of 5,000 steps every day by parking further from the door or by going for a walk.

4. Grooming and Pampering…

Do things that make you feel and look good!  Get your nails done, get a haircut, get a massage.  All work and no play makes us all dull boys and girls.

5. Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet…

Last but not least, in case no one  has every told you, medications expire.  Typically after a year.  Sort through your medications and safely discard what needs discarded.  

I have a coworker whose mother goes on medical missions trips every year and needs empty pill bottles to give the people so that they don’t have to carry loose medications for miles after walking to see the doctor. 

If you start with these basic areas and make little changes you’re going to be feeling better physically.  And by keeping up with your routine health maintenance you will be heading off any future problems at the pass.  The biggest benefit will be that you will likely feel a sense of peace and accomplishment knowing that you’re doing the right and responsible things in regard to your body.  Good luck and let me know how it goes!

📚 What I’m currently reading: 📚

📚You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth:

📚 Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza

GYST body reset | The Wholeness Shift

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