Spirit Guides: What Are They and What Do They Do? | The Wholeness Shift
Spirit Guides: What Are They and What Do They Do? | The Wholeness Shift

Spirit Guides: What Are They and What Do They Do?

Spirit Guides: What Are They and What Do They Do? 

One of the most important things that has ever happened to me is to learn about my spirit guides. That truly is what kicked off my spiritual awakening and I would say they have changed my life in more ways than they could ever know, but they do. They know.

So, what are spirit guides? Do you need to be afraid or creeped out? Where are they and how do you communicate with them?

First of all, NO… you do NOT need to be afraid of them nor creeped out by them. They have nothing but love for you. Lets start at the beginning.

Spirit Guides are human souls that are no longer living on earth and are now in Heaven. They are not God, they are not angels. They are not to be worshiped. They are simply souls that are not currently incarnated on the Earth and they have signed up to love you, encourage you, guide you, and support you through your current lifetime. It is their job to help you accomplish the goals that were set for your during this lifetime.

Does everyone have a spirit guide?

It is your birthright to have spirit guides. Of course God is in control of everything, but He gave you an entire spiritual team of loving and supportive helpers to assist you. You have God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Angels, and Guides. Angels are purely benevolent beings that have never been, nor will ever be human. They are more protectors. They are very powerful beings and are always there for you.

Every person that comes to live on earth has at least one spirit guide that is with them through their entire lifetime. That’s right…from the moment you are born, until the time you return to Heaven. And honestly, even beyond that because they help you cross over and get used to Heaven.

Depending on where you are in your life and what projects you have going on, you will have other guides come onto your case. When I first began speaking to my guides, I had around a dozen of them. Now I have 25 of them!

You may have guides to help with certain creative projects, medical issues, learning a new skill, to help you learn how to pray better, to learn how to open your heart and love, to make better decisions, etc.

Basically there is a guide for just about everything. See, once you set your intention to something, the universe conspires to help make it happen. So, when you want to accomplish something, as long as it aligns with your energy and your highest and best path, if you don’t already have a guide for that purpose, you’re going to get one and they will assist you.

Do I have to contact my guides for them to know what’s going on in my life?

Nope!  Your guides are always around you. You may not be aware of them, but they know everything about you…even more than you know about yourself.

Even when they are not actually in the room with you, they are always in tune with your energy and they are always helping you. And they are usually pretty close by, if not right next to you.

They love you very much, and whether you remember it or not, you love them too. They are your friends and possibly your family. They have senses of humor and like the same music you do.

My main guide’s name is Spomohmorst (I call him “Spomie”) and his favorite John Mayer song is, “Covered In Rain”, his favorite Christmas carol is, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”, his favorite color is blue, and his favorite food in his last lifetime was pizza. And he is hilarious! He has such a funny sense of humor and makes me laugh all the time. He can be a little sarcastic and a bit of a smart-ass, if I’m being honest, but always in a good-natured, loving way.

Spomie has been with me for more lifetimes than you can imagine. We are related, but have never lived a lifetime together on earth. When I asked him why not, he said that he was able to help me much more effectively from the position he’s in now. If I’m speaking honestly, he’s my best friend. I’m so grateful that I’ve gotten to meet my team and they have become my friends.

How do I connect with them?

So now you may be asking, “How do I connect with my guides?” The answer is simple…talk to them! You don’t even have to speak out loud, you can think the thought in your head and they will hear you.

Because everything is energy, that means your thoughts are energy and your guide will hear you. The truth is that you probably hear them talk to you all the time, you just don’t realize it.  Next week I will go in-depth on this and will give you several ways that your guides may be communicating with you.  Come back because you won’t want to miss out on that good info!

Spirit Guides: What Are They and What Do They Do? | The Wholeness Shift
Spirit Guides: What Are They and What Do They Do? | The Wholeness Shift

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