Why Do Bad Things Happen? A 5D Perspective | The Wholeness Shift
Why Do Bad Things Happen? A 5D Perspective | The Wholeness Shift

Why Do Bad Things Happen? A 5D Perspective

Why Do Bad Things Happen? A 5D Perspective | Viewer Question Answered.

We have all had horrible things happen to us or someone we know in life and often that leads us to wonder WHY. If there is a God, then why would God allow such things to happen. In this video I share what I learned about this from my spirit guides and angels that helped me shift my perspective to that of a higher frequency. This has helped me find peace and healing and perhaps it will help you too. Listen with an open mind and an open heart! 💖

Please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts!

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💖 Check out The Wholeness Shop (click on the link or find it at the top of the page) for downloads, free printables, and other merch! More items will be added all the time so check back often! 

💖Pendulumlite app

Videos I mentioned or I think would be helpful…

🖤 How to Communicate With Your Spirit Guides

🖤 Spirit Guides: What Are They and What Do They Do?

🖤 Energy Series

🖤 How To Raise Your Vibrations

🌟 I will post my affiliate link to the products I think may be useful to you. 😊

💖Pendulums I own:

🌟Rose Quartz
🌟Clear Quartz

💖 For smudging:

☯ White Sage
☯ Palo Santo
☯ Sweet Grass
☯ Abalone shell with stand and feather
☯ Lighter

🌟 What I’m currently reading:

📚 The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael Singer

📚 What I just finished reading:

📚 The Sacred Science: An Ancient Healing Path for the Modern World by Nick Polizzi

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions!




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