im veronica | the wholeness shift
im veronica | the wholeness shift

Your Questions Answered: 25 Things All About Me

I have loved all of the messages I’ve received from you guys! The comments, DM’s, texts, calls, emails… all to let me know that you appreciate what I’m doing and that it has helped you in some way. THANK YOU! Along with all of the sweet things you’ve said, you have asked me questions about myself…how long have I been a nurse? How many kids do I have? In this video, I will answer all of your questions and a few more that I threw in. 🙂

Please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts!

Videos I mentioned or that you might like:

🌟 Spirit Guides: What Are They and What Do They Do?
🌟 VSG: 6 month post-op gastric sleeve:
🌟 Meditation for Beginners: How to Meditate:
🌟 What is Smudging and How Do I Do it?:
🌟 We Aren’t Ready To Say Goodbye: My Tribute To Beth Chapman:




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