Pendulum Q&A 5
This is the fifth installment of Q&A's where I answer all of your questions related to using a pendulum or dowsing.
This is the fifth installment of Q&A's where I answer all of your questions related to using a pendulum or dowsing.
"What is the best way to begin a pendulum session?" So let's talk about it!
I'm answering your questions about using a pendulum!
You asked if I have had any visitation dreams from deceased loved ones. So today I am sharing three of those dreams with you.
Here I answer my most often asked question. How do I get rid of tricksters?
Here I share another important dream I've had that showed me this life really is all up to each individual. It's exactly how you make it and there is no judgment.
You all said you were interested in hearing more about past life dreams I have had. Today I discuss ten important past life dreams I have had and some of them may surprise you!
Today we are answering 5 more viewer-submitted questions to my spirit guide Spomie! Come see what he has to say.
Today we are answering 5 more viewer-submitted questions to my spirit guide Spomie! Come see what he has to say.
Today we are answering 5 more viewer-submitted questions to my spirit guide Spomie! Come see what he has to say.
Here is another installment in my pendulum series! I know how many questions you guys have about using a pendulum. Here are some of the questions I've been getting most lately. Hope this helps!
Is the goal to be "happy"? Watch to find out! This is part of the Lessons From Spirit series
This is another installment in the "Lessons From Spirit" series in which I share little life lessons my guides have taught me over the years. Today I share the difference between being kind and being nice.
I've decided to start sharing little lessons that spirit has taught me over the years. Today I am talking about something Spomie (my guide) taught me about everyone's life being like a big tapestry.
Today I'm going to address some of the most frequently asked questions from my "How To Use A Pendulum" video that you can find here: .
Have you ever felt like the world was caving in on your? Me too. Here I share 5 tips for getting your shit together (GYST) when you're feeling overwhelmed.
Have you ever felt like the world was caving in on your? Me too. Here I share 5 tips for getting your shit together (GYST) when you're feeling overwhelmed.
Have you ever felt like the world was caving in on your? Me too. Here I share 5 tips for getting your shit together (GYST) when you're feeling overwhelmed.
Goddess Provisions Unboxing: October and November, 2019. See what goodies are in the Goddess Provisions subscription box this month! I had NO IDEA what the theme for October was and it took me by surprise! You'll enjoy watching me squirm a little with embarrassment as you watch. LOL
Goddess Provisions Unboxing: September, 2019. See what goodies are in the Goddess Provisions subscription box this month!
In this video we discuss each of the seven major chakras and talk about the function of each. We also discuss how to recognize if they are blocked or need balanced.
Today is the today many of you have been waiting for! I am talking about How To Use A Pendulum To Talk To Your Spirit Guides And Angels! I know this is a little long in comparison to most of my videos, but all of the information in this is SO important and I can't wait for you to dive in and learn. Have fun with it! Ask them any questions that you want answers to and see what you learn about yourself in this lifetime and others. Allow the information you gather to heal and expand you.
Part 5 in the Energy Series will teach you 5 (actually 14 because I threw in some bonus ideas at the end) ;) easy ways to raise those vibes high! If you are interested in the law of attraction or just simply want to live a happy, amazing life...high vibes is going to get you there.
Cord cutting: Sometimes we can develop unhealthy or negative energetic attachments (or cords) with people, places, or things. These cords drain our vitality and can lower our vibes. In this video I give you a quick and easy way to cut these cords in order to raise your vibes and protect your energy.
Balancing your chakras, clearing your energy, and grounding your energy are such important parts of our daily maintenance! In this video I teach you a quick and simple way to do this that requires almost no effort on your part.
This is part 2 in my series on energy in which I give you a basic overview of chakras. What are they and why do they matter? Please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts!
What is energy? Energy, vibration, and frequency is the foundation for everything and it is so important to have at least a baseline knowledge about them. This is part 1 in a series about energy where I discuss energy and the importance of keeping your vibrations high.
Welcome to part three of the GYST (Get Your Shit Together) series. Every spring we all get an urge to clean, organize, and refresh our lives and this series will help with that! This post is to help you get your money back on track.
GYST: How To Get Your Sh*t Together: Body Reset. Have you fallen off the wagon with your New Years resolutions? It's about that time of year where we all re-evaluate those resolutions and try to figure out a way to get back on track. It's not too late! This is part two in a series on how to GYST, or get your sh*t together. In this video, I will discuss how to reset your health maintenance by following five easy, practical tips for improving your daily focus on your health.
There comes a time where you know you need to GYST: Get Your Shit Together. Reset your life and get back on track with your goals and resolutions. | The Wholeness Shift