Pendulum Q&A 5
This is the fifth installment of Q&A's where I answer all of your questions related to using a pendulum or dowsing.
This is the fifth installment of Q&A's where I answer all of your questions related to using a pendulum or dowsing.
I'm answering your questions about using a pendulum!
Today I’m responding to YOUR comments! We cover topics like clairsentience, psychic red flags, and pendulum use. Make sure to leave me comments if you want me to feature a question from you!
Today I answer ten of your questions! I also do an unboxing of Spiritual Goodies.
My "How to Use a Pendulum" video ( has gotten such a great response! You guys LOVED it! I have noticed some themes with the questions, comments, and emails I have received so i thought I would share some of them.
Why Do Bad Things Happen? A 5D Perspective. We have all had horrible things happen to us or someone we know in life and often that leads us to wonder WHY. If there is a God, then why would God allow such things to happen. In this video I share what I learned about this from my spirit guides and angels that helped me shift my perspective to that of a higher frequency. This has helped me find peace and healing and perhaps it will help you too. Listen with an open mind and an open heart! 💖
In this video, I will answer all of your questions and a few more that I threw in. :)