Weekly Affirmation 1 May, 2023
may 23 affirmation 1 | the wholeness shift
LIVE no. 1 May, 2023
Today was an awesome, relaxing LIVE chat. 😊 Jenna, Sabine, Sherry, and I hung out and let the conversation flow. I actually won’t be posting this video because there was…
May, 2023
Can you believe it is already May? It blows my mind how fast time flies these days. If only the Ohio weather would behave like it’s May, things would be…
Sedona Memories
Since I talk so often about Sedona being my favorite place on Earth, here are some random pictures from over the years, in no particular order. In some my girls…
CLUB SHIFT Member ZOOM No. 2 April 2023
Mercury in Retrograde April, 2023
Mercury went retrograde today! May the odds be ever in your favor. lol Seriously though, just keep breathing and know that it's all for the greater good and is a…
Daily Routine Printable Sheet
Here is a basic printable that you can use to create and track your daily routines. Download it from Google Drive here.
Great Space Coaster
In our last live chat I mentioned the Great Space Coaster theme song that Spomie played in my head. Hardly anyone had heard of it, which blows my mind. Confirmation…
First of Month Cinnamon Ritual for Abundance
April, 2023
When thinking about April and what I would write in this blog, I had planned to make it about the excitement and vibrancy of Spring. About the beauty that surrounds…
Member’s Only Vlog: John Mayer Concert
SQUAD Only LIVE March, 2023
Manifestation Planner
Here is a manifestation planner I made if you find that kind of thing useful. If you can save it from here, awesome. If you can't for some reason, here…
Member’s Only LIVE March, 2023 in video: ✨ The Secret to the Law of Attraction: ✨ Law of Attraction: Going General to Overcome Resistance: ✨ Law of Attraction playlist:
March, 2023
March is the time of year when we get our first hints of spring. Winter isn’t over, but there is hope for a change in seasons on the horizons. As…
More Thoughts on Feb, 2023 LIVE 2: Trust
LIVE 2: Feb, 2023 soon as we quit recording, Spomie reminded me of something he always tells me. One of the number one ways to open your heart chakra and raise your vibes…
Member’s Only: Tapping For An Open Heart other tapping video: ✨Tapping For Beginners:
Heart Chakra Meditation
Here is my personal favorite heart chakra meditation.
LIVE 1, Feb, 2023: Akashic Records with Yasmine wanted to learn about the Akashic Records and who better to do it than Yasmine? She always has the best energy and is so kind and helpful. I hope…
February, 2023
With Valentine’s Day cards and candlelit dinners, February is, of course, known as the month of love. So, this will be our topic this month. We will be focusing on…